Dear Clients, Colleagues, Family and Friends,
We are pleased to announce that Broach & Stulberg, LLP is changing its name and expanding its practice. As we enter our 35th year, the firm will be known as Stulberg & Walsh, LLP, with co-founding partner Robert B. Stulberg and partner Patrick J. Walsh carrying on and building upon our commitment to representing, protecting and empowering individual employees, classes of employees, labor unions, employee benefit funds, and disability rights organizations.
Co-founding partner Judith P. Broach will continue as Of Counsel to the firm, representing employees, employee benefit funds and labor unions, and serving as an arbitrator and mediator in employment and employee benefits disputes, and as a court-appointed independent fiduciary of employee benefit funds. Our associate attorneys, Zachary R. Bergman, Julie A. Dabrowski and Vincent Torregiano, will continue to represent clients in all of our practice areas. Our paralegal, Benjamin Vanden Heuvel, will continue to support the attorneys’ efforts.
The firm’s core objective remains thorough, careful and effective client service, with each case handled under direct supervision of a partner,in close collaboration with our clients. Charting robust and creative paths to resolution, award or verdict, we seek, always, to achieve our clients’ goals through efficient, persistent and well-crafted strategies.
We have recently achieved notable successes in all of our practice areas:
- In our disability rights practice, we have reached a comprehensive, landmark class action settlement requiring the City of New York to install, upgrade and maintain pedestrian curb ramps at all of its 162,000 street corners, at an estimated cost of $1.55 billion.
- In our global whistleblower practice, we have successfully defended an approximate $1.2 million federal court jury verdict for a whistleblower discharged by the Swiss bank, UBS Securities, and have obtained out-of-court settlements of retaliation claims brought by whistleblowers in financial services, government, medicine and other industries.
- In our global employment practice, we have negotiated complex employment, retention, separation, severance, executive compensation, expatriate assignment, and secondment agreements on behalf of executives, professionals and academics employed in the United States, foreign jurisdictions and the United Nations, and have obtained settlements ranging from 6- to 8- figures for clients with claims for discrimination, retaliation, improper layoff/discharge, breach of contract, misclassification, wage and hour, defamation and other workplace tort claims.
- In our global #MeToo practice, we are pursuing sexual harassment, hostile work environment, quid pro quo, intentional infliction of emotional distress,and retaliation claims on behalf of women in corporate finance, equity brokerage, medical research, registered nursing, elementary education, and entertainment, including pending lawsuits on behalf of a cross-border equity sales trader and Charlie Rose’s long-time makeup artist.
- In our labor union and employee benefits practices, we have: defeated attempts to deny union bargaining and representation rights, contractual paid leave benefits, and prevailing wages;negotiated and enforced collective bargaining agreements and arbitration awards; enforced employer compliance with pension and welfare fund contribution obligations; and successfully challenged awards of public contracts to non-responsible contractors.
We cordially invite you to learn more about the firm at our website:, which provides detailed information about our goals, practice areas, lawyers and staff. And we welcome you to visit us at our offices located at One Penn Plaza, Suite 2601, New York, NY (just north of Madison Square Garden). Thank you for entrusting us with your representation and for supporting our efforts over the years. We look forward to serving you in the future.
With best regards and heartfelt appreciation,
Robert Stulberg and Patrick Walsh
rs*******@st***********.com; pw****@st***********.com